Thursday 4 August 2016

…a book of poetry 1778 (covers detached)

The Muse’s Mirrour was a book of poems by mainly amateur poets, though the credits list some illustrious names including playwright Richard Sheridan; Laurence Sterne, the author of Tristram Shandy; and radical politician John Wilkes.

The use in the text of the long “s”, easily mistaken for the letter “f”, and the many now obscure classical references, such as Phoebus and Phoebe – the sun and the moon – make comprehension sometimes difficult for the modern reader. Several poems are in Latin.

The book contains a true miscellany of poetry, some comic, some scurrilous, some philosophical, some tedious and worthy, reflections on life and mortality. They were essentially written by an educated elite, for an audience of their peers. 

Several poems attempt to ridicule their betters, though the names of the intended targets are usually only hinted at, but all would have instantly known who was meant.
An example in the book is an Epigram written by Kitty Carmine (an obvious nom-de-plume) “On seeing Lady A-----R’s picture.”

Lady A-----R was undoubtedly Lady Anstruther (1717-1802), wife of Sir John Anstruther, who was painted twice in her mid-forties by Sir Joshua Reynolds, the greatest portrait painter of his era. 

Considered a beauty in her day, she was also mocked in society for her supposedly humble origins.

The reference in the poem to Manly, is to Captain Manly, a plain speaking seafarer in a Restoration comedy by William Wycherley.

                                                 The Poem

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