Thursday 23 June 2016

…a copy of the Sunday Mirror

This 1969 edition of the Sunday Mirror was published prior to Apollo 11’s successful landing on the moon, just hours before astronaut Buzz Aldrin stepped out onto the surface and uttered those less than immortal words: “Beautiful View”.

Other news of note was Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer Roy Jenkins’s optimistic view of “Flourishing Britain”. Those who remember the dismal 1970’s, which led to us being labelled “the sick man of Europe” and which culminated in the Winter of Discontent, could be forgiven a burst of scornful laughter.

On the rear page was brief news of a fatal accident in which Senator Edward Kennedy was involved. It seems he had driven off a bridge in the dark, and a young woman had drowned, trapped in the car. But as was later revealed, he had left the scene and not reported the accident until the following morning. The word “Chappaquidick” would dog his footsteps for the rest of his life, and probably cost him a chance of the presidency.

Monday 20 June 2016

…Sooty and Sweep 1950’s “Snap” cards.

The game of Snap is one of the simplest of all card games, and can be played with an ordinary set of playing cards, or with specially designed cards, like these well-thumbed examples from the 1950's aimed at children

But in this computer age, do children still play Snap? 

Who could not be charmed by the wonderful images on these cards? Sooty doing magic tricks. Sooty and Sweep baking a cake. Sooty and Sweep driving a train. Sooty bashing Sweep over the head with a hammer. Pardon??