Monday 6 June 2016

…an inherited Victorian adventure book by G.A. Henty

Henty (1832-1902) was a prolific English writer of derring-do novels, some 122 in total. (Wikipedia)

A Roving Commission is a fictionalised account, published in 1900, of the successful black slave revolt against the French in Haiti a century earlier.

For further information on the revolt see:
It is something of an understatement to say that the fervent imperialism of this and other Henty novels does not sit well today. 

In the final sentence he gives his assessment of the current state of the country:

“Fetish worship and human sacrifices are carried out in secret, and the fairest island in the western seas lies sunk in the lowest degradation – a proof of the utter incapacity of the negro race to evolve, or even maintain, civilisation, without the example and the curb of a white population among them.”

Sacre Bleu!!

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